Cultural Events to Foster Unity
Explore our diverse services that nurture spiritual and community growth.

Religious Events
Join us for Buddhist events, including holidays that commemorate the Buddha’s life and teachings.

Funeral-related services
Engage in the held to remember the deceased and pray for his or her soul.

Community Gatherings
Participate in events that strengthen community bonds and faith.

Faithful Unity in Celebration
The main purpose of LBCN is to be the place to assemble among all Lao descents including Buddhist monks, elderly and youths.
It is also a community center for groups of elder and younger generations to collaborate as a support network in deeds and in moral, emotional engagement for mutual support and sharing among all Buddhist followers

General supporters and Buddhist observers attend religious and Lao traditional festivities periodically and monthly events. They take parts in the celebration of social customs, ceremonial public services at the temple such as Lao New Year, Chinese, Vietnamese New Year. In some cases, they collaborate family sponsored activities for memorial service, wedding reception and community recognition ceremony for high school graduation. The devout practitioners engaging in more monastic traditions attend a course of Dharma studies and insight meditation practice during weekdays and general community service and worshiping on the weekend.

Religious Function
Lao Buddhist Center Northwest (LBCN) serves as a place to model practices in Dharma and in moral and social cohesive cooperative networks among Lao members and all Buddhists. It is a place of spiritual refuge for those who seek to improve and enhance the quality of life and community living. Members can participate in religious practice according to the teaching of Buddha by observing ethical codes of conduct in thoughts, behavior, and speech based on the basic tenets of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Paths.